I have always been a working Mom. Not easy - but I have always tried to make the best of it, finding them a home and environment that would provide them love and care while I was away. Arranging for transportation to and from their different activities and always trying to have a "sit down" dinner at the end of the day so we could unwind all together.
When they were small, it was easy to get them up, feed them, dress them and wisk them off to the "sitter".
As they got older, not so easy...
They had feelings and opinions, and my choice of a care provider was not always their choice.
They wondered why I couldn't be home with them when they had a day off of school.
They wondered why they couldn't let friends in the house when I wasn't home
But somehow we made it through those crazy times.
So now they are older - not any easier being a Mom - I just don't have to find a day care provider. We still have that "sit down" dinner to try to unwind and talk about everyone's day!
But - It's hard to not make their decisions for them. It's hard not being able to be there for them when they need someone to protect them and stand up for them and make everything better.......but somehow we will make it!