Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Is it too late to fast?

We are trying desparately to find something that makes Parker "tick" and keeps him active. He has played soccer, baseball, basketball, football, swim, and tennis - and today he is trying out for the Hunter Jr. High Volleyball team.

The deal is he needs to something physical, so it's either volleyball or back to the swim team.

Swimming is a pretty hard sport - early morning practicies - after school practicies - and you smell like chlorine all the time.

So last night at dinner we were talking about volleyball tryouts and about making the team when he asked "Is it too late to fast?"

No fasting, but prayers are being offered!!!!!

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

My mom said he made the first cut! Great. Maybe when he gets to high school he can do tennis and golf . . . or at least tennis.

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