Friday, May 18, 2012

I Guess It's a Test Thing

Parker seems to have a challenge with tests.  First his Drivers test - now a test in Biology.  After each section they study, they take a "standard" on the subject.  It has to be memorized and has to be 100% correct.  Last term, Parker had missed one of the standards and had to continually stay after school - each day missing a different word on the standard.  This made Momma Bear very frustrated and we ended up in the Principal's office to get it straighted out.

Fast forward (more like slow forward) to the 4th term.  Again Parker did not get the standard correct for the "Heart".  Because of tennis and Jazz Band he couldn't stay after school or go before to make this up until this week.  So Monday, he stayed after to get the review material - which he studied and memorized.  Tuesday, he went to take the standard and the diagram that he was tested on was completely different than he was given to study - he did however, get everything right except for identifying the Aorta (which was not in the study material).  Needless to say, Momma Bear went balistic - emailed the teacher, principal and counselor.  The teacher wasn't in school on Wednesday - so he tried again on Thursday - again FAILED....but missed a different word.  So today was the day - and FINALLY - he passed. 

Hallelujah - praise the lord - whatever......  But we don't have much time to rest on the success - next week a "term project" is due - no direction from the teacher - "Just do whatever you want" - the problem - if she doesn't like what you turn in - or doesn't think you put enough time on the project - or just becuase she can - your grade is totally subjective and could be great or not so great!


1 comment:

Annie said...

I am a bad test taker, too. Terrible in fact. My siblings are brilliant. I am the "creative one"

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