Monday, July 9, 2012

3 years, 9 months, 19 days....

Today was the day....the braces for Parker have finally been removed!
It has been quite the process, but when you start with pretty awful teeth what do you expect.
It all started when his permanent teeth were coming in over the baby teeth - not doing their job - and creating the double decker look....not good.
Teeth were extracted - in fact 7 in one day! Braces were attached at age 11!
We joked with his orthodontist the past year - would they be off before going on his mission?  Would they be off before he graduated from College?  You get the picture.

So last week we got a letter from Dr. Stevens, saying he as retiring in August.  Now we know why it took so long.  He wanted Parker to be one of his last patients!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Yeah Parker. I cannot wait to see in person.

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