Monday, August 13, 2012

Parker...Willie...and Cher

Saturday night was the last night of Shavy Jones.  Parker and Willie are quite the shaving ice duo.  They have customers that know and love them.  They are famous for the "melt in your mouth" ice.

Saturday they made lots of new friends - giving deals to customers - even treating the Mountain Mike employees!  They facebooked Grape Lady (now Pink Lemonade Lady) to make sure she knew it was the last night.  She wanted to come but couldn't be there until 9:30 - they agreed to stay open.  Well she arrived - took pictures - even chucked a hunk of bad ice and they autographed her last large Pink Lemonade - Heavy on the Pink!!!!

In the Olympic Spirit, closing ceremonies were held. Sparklers were lit!  They brought their original Shavy shirts - neither of which fit them any more...and to end in a bang - danced and waved the Sparklers to their favorite Cher song.....DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE.......

What cute boys!


Bing Math said...

Coo coo!

Annie said...

I feel so bad that I missed the closing ceremonies. I really wanted to be there.

I believe in life after love. :)

Emily said...

I love it. I am so sad I missed it.

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