Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Big Day

Tomorrow is the Big Day - the day our missionary returns from the Paraguay Asuncion North Mission after completing 18 months of service!

Meranda has had an incredible experience. She has learned a new language, lived in a new country, taught a variety of people, eaten strange food, served with companions from Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Arizona. She has see people accept the gospel and change their lives. She has grown to love the people. Her testimony of the gospel has been strengthened. She has learned to be a leader and example to the other missionaries serving in her mission. She has been able to travel the mission and return to prior areas and visit with the people she taught. I'm thinking that her beautiful red hair and blue eyes and wonderful spirit will be missed in Paraguay.

Monday's have been a day to look forward to because of the opportunity to hear from her and the experiences of the week. I know it is hard to leave all of that beind. So much work yet to do. So many people yet to teach.

But as she said this week in her email...

"I will miss the mission, but I know there is another phase of my life waiting to begin. At every end there is another beginning."

I am so proud of her. I am so excited for her to return to us. I am anxious to see her continue to grow and start the next phase of her life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Meranda did a great job on her homecoming talk. When she bore her testimony in Spanish it was incredible. Glad she is home safe.

My dad and I are sorry to hear about Evan's father. Please know we are thinking about you guys during this hard time.

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