Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm Either Old, Distracted or Both

Having a bit of a problem with keeping track of my and debit cards.

Used one of my cards at Wingers Friday night. Discovered it was gone Saturday. Called them - they had it....went and picked it up.

Used another of my cards on Labor Day at Olive Garden. Went to use it today...couldn't find it.....called them and they DID NOT have it.

I continued looking everything I could think of, and still couldn't find it. So I called my banker to report a lost card. They asked if there was any way that I thought I might find it. If so, they would just put a hold on the account and not cancel the card. I said no so go ahead and cancel it.

Hung up the phone. Called my hubby to tell him. Checked one last place while on the phone. FOUND IT!!!!

Called the bank back. They had already cancelled the card. Will get new ones in the mail "soon". ARGH!!!!!!!

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