Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Swore at the Christmas Tree!

Ahhh....that most anticipated day of the year....the day we put the Christmas tree up! Saturday, December 3, 2011.......

Step 1: Deciding where to put it. Should we put it in the same place as last year ---wait where was it last year...each of us has a different memory.

Step 2: Cutting the trunk and putting in the Christmas Tree stand. Where is the stand...did we get a new stand last year...where should I cut it....oh no I cut off the best part of the bottom.

Step 3: Taking it in the house. Would someone please hold the door open? Is the plastic garbage sack down on the carpet?

Step 4: Putting the lights on.....leave Cindy alone to do this....she LOVES to put the lights on (NOT!!!)

Step 5: Hanging the ornaments. I actually like my ornaments - red and gold - they were new many years ago - but I still think they are new.

Step 6: Strategically placing the imitation red and gold berries on the branches that are missing or seem a little bare.

Step 5: Finally weaving the red berry garland...bought new this year because I thought the previous garland was loosing too many berries. News flash, the new berry garland is just like the old.

Step 6: Cindy falling off the ladder.....grasping the red berry garland, trying not to pull the tree over...falling in slow motion and Parker looking up from his Itouch not knowing what to do!!!!!

Step 7: Parker standing over Cindy with his concerned 15 year old face "Are you all right?"

Step 8: Cindy carefully getting up....I SWORE AT THE STUPID "blankity-blank" TREE. I HATE this "blankity-blank" tree.... all while trying to fix the lights, the garland, the ornaments that became displaced during the fall!

At the end of the day, everything turned out okay! The tree is decorated, the house is decorated (almost), most of the boxes are put away and now we can enjoy the rest of December!!

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

Sorry, Cindy. I'm glad you are ok.

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