Thursday, August 7, 2014

Proud Moments

I sometimes forget to look at the great things my three kids are doing with their here goes......

Preston - graduated from the 'U' in December, started working full time at his part time job, decided there was opportunity there and went after it!  Once Preston decides to do something, there is little that will stop him with the things he has control over.  The result is a promotion, a raise, a week in Miami for training.  When they bought their house last year they looked for a home in a ward where they would have the opportunity to serve.  They bought a cute little house in Magna - he was called as Assistant Scout Master - then to an Assistant Clerk in the Spanish Branch - and now Elder's Quorum President.  He is about to be come a father.  Katie is a great wife for him - a hard worker - and excited to become a mother.  Oh - and he ran a Marathon in May! 

Meranda - since coming home from her Mission she has had three different jobs.  After many applications and rejections - she finally landed at LDS Hospital as a Dietary Tech - which is right up her alley.  She has been attending the Spanish Branch in our Stake and has four callings relating to that - YW 1st Counselor - Ward Chorister - Ward Missionary - English Teacher.....WHEW!!!!  She also bought her first car last week - a VW Passat - SWEET!  She is focused - driven - and is working towards her plans for the future - grad school and becoming a Registered Dietician.  She also has turned into quite the fitness nut - running a full marathon in May - a half in July and playing on a slow pitch softball team. Great things in store for her!

Parker - when Parker decides to do something - watch out - he gets totally focused.  He started dieting last year and has lost close to 40 pounds!  What a BEAST!  He has been playing tons of tennis and softball this summer - which included traveling to Moab and Monticello to pitch for a team out of Blanding.  He has also played in two different USTA Jr. Tennis Tournaments this summer and has been playing tennis at least twice a week at the Oquirrh Park Fitness Center.  He wanted to be involved in school his senior year and will be a Senior Class Officer!  He has also been serving on the Stake Youth Council.  He's not sure what he wants "to do with his life" but I'm sure he will figure it out!

Yes - I am a proud mom!!!!!

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