Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nothing special - just things that make me crazy.....

So - I really don't have anything special to blog about - but I do have some things that make me crazy.....

Political season - makes me crazy. Politicians make me crazy. John McCain is old and acts like a dirty old man. Obama looks presidential but I really don't want to vote for him - I don't like the idea of national health care and spending more of my hard earned money to help those that can't or don't want to help themselves.

Financial crises - makes me crazy. A lot of corruption and greed. My 401K account is going in the toilet - luckily I'm not 65 - I'm actually glad I'm only 51 and still many years from retirement.

The media - makes me crazy. You would think millions of people are losing their jobs, their homes, their families. Come on - I'm okay - aren't you?

Home Foreclosures - makes me crazy. Just because someone says you can afford a $500,000 home - doesn't make it so. Look at your paycheck. What house payment can you afford? Do you really think your wages are going to go up enough in three years that you'll be able to afford the payment when you actually have to start paying on the principal?

Government Bailouts - makes me crazy. If I had a business and made bad decisions - would they throw $700 billion my way?

Executive Salaries - makes me crazy. GREED - it's everywhere - even in a small law firm in SLC.

I guess I kind of feel like George.......


Anonymous said...

that was a good rant, keep it going!!!

Bing Math said...

Amen sister! ( I mean aunt! )

Anonymous said...

Sister Judith

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