Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yes - I am a Diet Coke Expert!!

Every morning I stop at "Stephs's" Holiday station on 3200 West and 35th South for a Diet Coke. I guess you could say I'm a regular.

So this morning as I am filling up my 32 ounce cup, and I notice that the Diet Coke coming out does not look like Diet Coke. It is "light and foamy" - more like a REAL Coke. So I taste it and decide that this is NOT Diet Coke. I taste the real Coke and it tastes the same as the Diet Coke. BIG PROBLEM for me!!!

I ask Steph to check her tanks and sure enough there was Coke syrup hooked up to the Diet Coke dispenser. She changes it, but because it takes a while for the BAD Coke Syrup to filter out, I am stuck with choosing Diet Dr. Pepper this morning!

The good thing is that Steph paid for my drink this morning. The bad thing is that it was Diet Dr. Pepper!!!!


japetersen said...

I haven't progressed so far away from the real Coke -- I'll taker either. My favorite drink in a little Coke in the bottom of my otherwise Diet Coke -- mmmmmm

japetersen said...

I mean --
I'll take either
my favorite drink is

(didn't read before publishing previous comment)

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