Monday, November 30, 2009

Editorial Comment

I was going to write a "Letter to the Editor" but have decided to write a blog post instead.

So if you read my last post, one of my comments was "Max Hall bugs me". That is now an understatement - Max Hall REALLY bugs me!

What happened to "We won the game. It was hard fought, but we won and I'm really happy about that". But Max couldn't do that - it would be too easy. He personallly attacked thousands of people with connections to the University of Utah. He offended me, my husband, and about 20 other immediate family members. As my sister Jackie pointed out, it's nothing new - those attending the U have been looked down on forever because we went to the "evil" University of Utah. Apparently if you go to the school down south, you have a stronger testimony and you get a better education. NOT!!!!

The stupid comments didn't start with Max Hall and they won't end with him. I guarantee that someone will continue the "rich BYU tradition" of making comments that put down other people and try to make themselves out to be the more worthy/blessed/deserving, etc.

Oh and one other thing - what's up with the "Beer got thrown on me/my family" folklore/myth. How many times do we have to hear that? Beer is not sold in Rice Eccles stadium and for the few that "smuggle" it in - I guess if they want to waste it on BYU fans that's their choice, as we all have agency to choose! Likewise, many a Utah fan has had things thrown on them by BYU fans - like tuna fish sandwiches, tortillias or twinkie's...but I guess that's better than "beer" - WHATEVER!!!!!

There, now I feel a little bit better.......


Bing Math said...

Glad you feel better. I did, too.

japetersen said...

You go girl!

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