Friday, November 6, 2009

I Missed a Day...

I thought it would be easy to post once a day - but it's harder than I thought it would be.

It seems that my life is pretty "consistent" from day to day - notice I did not use the word "boring".

Not much changes - which is not a bad thing. I have a great family, a good job, a nice home and good health. I do have my challenges like dieting and drinking too much Diet Coke. I basically have grey hair and I have to wear reading glasses to see anything up close.

There are a lot of things I should be doing on a more regular basis - like mopping my kitchen floor or vacuuming, but I would rather go to a ball game or shopping or a swim meet - or basically anything else than clean.

So even though my life is somewhat "consistent", it's a good consistency!

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