Friday, November 20, 2009

Great Examples

This week I've reflected on the "true grit" of my parents. Neither one of them have the best of health, but they try to make the best of it!

They want their independence. They would like to be more mobile. They don't really like asking for help and they do more than would be humanly possible for most people in their situation.

This week they made the trek to Summit/Cedar City to Grandpa Stapley's funeral. It was a long ride but they made it - thanks to Judy for tagging along. When I talked to them Tuesday night, they were giddy - they were out of the valley - they didn't have to make their beds or cook their food.

They were exhausted when they got home on Wednesday but it was a "different" exhausted. They are great examples to me.

I hope I can have that same determination/grit when I need to get through difficult times!!!!

1 comment:

japetersen said...

Very nice posting -- they are amazing parents!

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