Saturday, November 6, 2010

They lost....

My team lost today - sad day at the University of Utah. I know it was only a game, but you always hope for a win, especially on a day when BYU actually won a game...and now there is church tomorrow.

I know some BYU fan will just have to say something about it so I have been practicing comeback lines
Yes, the U lost, but we still have won twice as many games as you - or
It's about time you won a game, I'm really happy for you - or
You know, I graduated from the Univerity of Utah, where did you graduate from? Oh that's right, you didn't go to college!
We've lost one game, now how many have you lost?
Are you serious, they really lost, I'm glad you told me!
Have you ever been to a BYU game?

The worst part about the day is that I got a $30 parking ticket!


Bing Math said...

How did you get a parking ticket? I thought you rode trax?

japetersen said...

Good posting -- sorry about the traffic ticket --

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