Friday, November 19, 2010

What Now.....BAM!!!

The title of this post is taken from Parker. You see Parker has always had a bit of a talking problem....particularly in school.

When he was in first grade, his teacher, Mr. Longhurst, kept moving his desk from place to place around the classroom trying to find someone he could sit by and not talk. He had tried everyone and everyplace and decided to sit Parker next to his desk. Well, within about 30 seconds, Parker and Mr. Longhurst were in full conversation!

In sixth grade, his teacher Mrs. Shepherd, described Parker as a future SBO - because he had that kind of personality.

At our first PT conference at HJH, his science teacher, Mrs. Grossaint, said that Parker needed to talk more. WHAT????? Well within a few weeks he was talking and driving Mrs. Grossaint crazy.

This year again at PT conference, his history and science teachers both said that he had a talking problem. Mr. Dahl the History teacher expressed his concern to Evan (I was visiting with another teacher). He said that Parker talked to much and that he better be ready for the states test that was coming up. Evan replied "No problem, he'll get 100%", and of course, Parker got 100% - with no studying! So the talking problem continued and Mr. Dahl gave Parker a '2' in citizenship.

Mom and Dad (i.e. the Nazi parents) were not amused and were quite concerned, but after much soul searching and discussion, hopefully Parker is getting on top of controlling his mouth. The goal we gave him was to become invisible in class.

So back to "What Now....BAM!" This week, Mr. Dahl handed Parker his first term certificates for High Honor Roll and Outstanding Citizenship!

"WHAT NOW....BAM!!!!"

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

Did you wear your invisible cloak? Good job Parker.

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