Monday, November 22, 2010

Ooops I did it again!

I didn't do the "every other day" post - I've decided I'm pretty boring.

Some random things I've thought about today.....
What to get a 14 year old for Christmas?
November 22nd - the day JFK was shot and my cousin, Scott Barnes, birthday.
It's really cold outside.
Spending Thanksgiving in the WC (Wayne County) - when we go depends on the weather.
Who cares if Bristol Palin is a finalist on Dancing with the Stars.
My 401k plan is so performing much better than it was 1 year ago.
Looking forward to MKW coming home!
Evan's birthday on Sunday - need to get him a present
Glad the Utes got a win.
Hope the Utes get another win.
Annie is a great writer and has cute kids
Haley is also a great writer and has a cute "kid".
Facebook is stupid.
Bye Bye Birdie at HHS was disturbing.
I'm tired of the TSA news.
Will I get a raise, a bonus, anything?
I can't believe we mowed the lawn Saturday morning (to pick up the leaves).
We should have put up the Christmas lights Saturday (instead of mowing)
Why does my mom keep giving me her hand me downs


Bing Math said...

Thanks for commenting on my cute child. What kinds of hand-me-downs is Grandma giving you. You should really thank me for the time I slipped 2 shirts from her closet into the DI bag after she'd told me to give them to you. Do you remember those silky "shell" shirts that you and my mom used to wear? They have a 1 button in the back? Yes, it was 2 of those.

japetersen said...

I just finished my bloggin for the month and I did the same thing you did -- I guess great minds think alike. I love you and your family!

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